Teisipäev, 4. märts 2025
Veebikonstaabel Andero Sepp peab ikka ja jälle selgitama, millist küberahistamist tuleks tõsiselt võtta ja millist mitte. Teisisõnu: ära usu kõike, mida netikurjamid “kalastades” hambasse puhuvad. Kustuta see kiri lihtsalt ära.

Eelmisel aastal hoo sisse saanud raha väljapetmise skeem jätkab eestlastele mure tekitamist ka sellel aastal. Skeem ja selle sisu on sama, vorm on veidi erinev.

Ehk siis järjekordne meelehteitel katse petta inimestelt raha välja. Muretsema ei pea, mingit ligipääsu kuskile ei ole, kellelgi, midagi ei ole ära häkitud või üle võetud. Kustuta lihtsalt see kiri ära.

Mõned varasemad näited: “leidsin netist su parooli ja nüüd oman kõiki su kontosid”; “häkkisin su vana parooliga ära su uue telefoni”; “võtsin üle sinu ruuteri jne, jne.”

Ühine nimetaja kõikide skeemide puhul on väide, et kirja saatja omab ligipääsu sinu kontodele/seadmetele ja seeläbi on saanud oma valdusesse kompromiteerivat materjali. Viimase avaldamise eest tuleb tasuda summa 1-6500 eurot bitcoinides.

Ja nüüd siis see uusim versioon, mis praegu ringleb:

“xxx is your pass. Lets get straight to purpose. Neither anyone has paid me to check about you. You do not know me and you are most likely wondering why you are getting this e-mail?

Well, i setup a software on the X video clips (porn material) web site and you know what, you visited this site to have fun (you know what i mean).

When you were watching videos, your browser began functioning as a RDP with a key logger which gave me access to your display and also web camera. after that, my software program gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, FB, as well as emailaccount.

Next i made a double-screen video. 1st part displays the video you were viewing (you’ve got a good taste lol . . .), and 2nd part shows the recording of your web camera, yeah its you.

You have got just two possibilities. Lets read these types of solutions in aspects:

First solution is to skip this message. in this instance, i most certainly will send your actual video clip to each of your your personal contacts and also think about about the humiliation you will definitely get. and consequently in case you are in an affair, exactly how it will affect?

Next option would be to give me USD 969. We will think of it as a donation. Subsequently, i will asap delete your videotape. You could keep going on your daily life like this never occurred and you would never hear back again from me.

You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search for ‘how to buy bitcoin’ in Google).

BTC address to send to: 18z5c6TjLUosqPTEnm6q7Q2EVNgbCy16Td

[CaSe-sensitive, copy and paste it]

if you have been making plans for going to the cop, look, this message can not be traced back to me.

I have dealt with my moves. i am not trying to charge you much, i just want to be compensated. mail if i don’t get the bitcoin?, i will definately send out your video recording to all of your contacts including relatives, co-workers, and many others.

Nonetheless, if i do get paid, i’ll erase the video immediately. If you need proof, reply Yup! and i will certainly send out your video recording to your 6 contacts. it is a nonnegotiable offer thus don’t waste my personal time and yours by responding to this message.”

Mida teha? Nagu öeldud, kustuta see kiri ära ja mine oma eluga edasi.

Allikas: Veebikonstaabel. Kaanepilt: Unsplash


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